How To Tell If A Potato Is Bad? How Long Do Potatoes Last?

Have you ever wondered how to tell if a potato is bad? Unfortunately, with the knowledge of there being a “good night” and a “bad night” comes the fact that there are such things as bad potatoes. Potatoes are one of the most popular crops in the world.

Do Potatoes Go Bad?

Potatoes are quite durable, but they can go bad. If you want to keep your potatoes fresh for as long as possible, it is important that you learn how to tell when a potato has gone bad. The best way to do this is by checking the skin of your potato. If it has turned green or blue in color, it is most likely rotten inside and should be thrown away immediately.

What Happens If You Eat Bad Potatoes?

Potatoes are a staple food in many American diets. They are also a common source of food poisoning, with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reporting that nearly half of all reported cases of food-borne illness come from eating potatoes. While most cases of potato poisoning occur when someone eats raw or undercooked potatoes, it is also possible to get sick from eating spoiled spuds:

1. You’ll Get Sick.

The most common symptoms of eating bad potatoes include vomiting and diarrhea, but in severe cases, an infection can cause fever, chills, muscle aches, and abdominal pain.

2. It Can Cause Diarrhea And Stomach Cramps

Potatoes that have gone bad can also cause diarrhea and stomach cramps, although these symptoms might not appear until several days after consuming the infected spuds.

3. Responsible For Food Poisoning.

If you have ever had food poisoning, you know that it makes you feel terrible. These bacteria often live in animal feces and can contaminate crops grown on farms that use manure as fertilizer (or in fields near sewage treatment plants).

4. It Could Lead To Anaphylaxis.

If you eat potatoes that have been exposed to light or air for too long, you may experience symptoms such as diarrhea, stomach cramps, and abdominal pain. If you have a severe allergy to these chemicals, eating bad potatoes could lead to anaphylaxis.

5. Heart Failure Or Respiratory Failure.

Eating bad potatoes could even lead to death through heart failure or respiratory failure.

6. It Could Lead To Salmonella Infection

Salmonella is a type of bacteria that causes fever, diarrhea, and abdominal cramps within 12 to 72 hours of infection (2). It is usually transmitted through food that has been contaminated with feces, which can come from a number of sources, including rats and other rodents, reptiles, and birds.

What Does Fresh Raw Potatoes Look Like?

Potatoes are an excellent source of vitamin C and provide a wealth of health benefits. They are also rich in carbohydrates and fiber, which is why they are often used as an alternative to rice.

Here is what fresh raw potatoes look like:

1. It Looks Like A Small White Or Yellow Ball With Smooth Skin.

It has round edges and a pointy end. The flesh inside is white, firm, and crunchy to the bite.

2. It Has Red-Skinned Ones

They are a great source of vitamins and minerals. Potatoes are also rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals that help protect against cancer and other diseases.

3. It Will Have A Rough Texture And Feel Slightly Bumpy

When you run your fingers along its surface. The inside of the potato is smooth but may have some small marks where it was cut from the plant. The skin will be thin enough for you to poke through with your fingernail if you press hard enough into it.

4. It Has A Slightly Earthy Or Sweet Smell

Fresh raw potatoes have a slightly earthy or sweet smell to them and have light yellow skin with thin white stripes running across them. The flesh inside is also pale yellow. The flesh inside is firm and dense but also has a creamy texture when cooked properly.

5. The Skin Of A Potato Is Thin And Smooth, Without Any Blemishes.

The flesh inside has a pasty texture that becomes soft when cooked but is firm when raw. The color depends on the variety — reds tend to have bright orange flesh while whites have creamy white flesh with few blemishes.

5 Signs For Assuming That Potatoes Have Gone Bad

Potatoes are a staple food in many homes and can be prepared in a variety of ways. The starchy vegetable is also used to make french fries and potato chips. While they’re one of the most affordable vegetables available, they do not last long.

Here are five signs that potatoes have gone bad:

1. Browning Around The Edges

If your potatoes are browning around the edges, it means that they are starting to rot. The best way to prevent this is to keep them in a cool dark place away from sunlight. If you notice browning on your potatoes, just cut off the portion that is showing signs of decay and use the rest of your spuds.

2. Wrinkled Or Soft

Potatoes should have smooth skin with no wrinkles or soft spots on them when you buy them at the store. If your potato has wrinkled skin or a soft spot in any place other than its eyes (its sprouting holes), throw it out immediately! These are signs of infection in your potato and could lead to food poisoning if consumed.

3. Green Spots And Shoots

Potatoes that are turning green usually aren’t good to eat anymore, as they have been exposed to light and air. This can cause a toxic reaction in the potatoes that makes them unsafe to consume. If you see any green spots or shoots on your potato, don’t eat it!

4. White Spots Or Growths

If you see white spots or growths on your potato then throw it away immediately as it could be infected with toxins that could make you sick. The toxins produced by this type of bacteria can cause symptoms such as vomiting and diarrhea so it’s best to stay clear of these types of potatoes at all costs!

5. Sprouted Eyes

Potatoes with sprouted eyes usually have a strong odor. The sprouts can also cause illness if consumed. If you see any sprouts growing on your potato, discard it immediately!

6. Strong Odor

Potatoes can’t survive long after they’ve started to go bad, so if yours smell strange, don’t hesitate to throw them out! Any kind of foul odor is an indication that there’s something wrong with them. This includes smells like sour milk or ammonia.

7. Moldy Smell

A moldy smell is another sign that your potatoes have gone bad. If you notice a strange odor coming from your potato, discard it immediately!

8. Brown Discoloration

This is a telltale sign that potatoes have gone bad. If the surface of your potato turns brown, it’s time to throw it away. The brown discoloration is caused by exposure to light, which disrupts the chemical structure of the vegetable.

6 Ways To Use Potatoes In Your Cooking

Potatoes are an essential staple of any well-stocked pantry. They’re inexpensive, easy to prepare, and can be used as the base for a wide range of meals.

If you’re looking for new ways to make potatoes a part of your cooking, here are six ideas to get you started.

1. Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes are one of the most popular ways to enjoy potatoes. They’re easy to make and can be eaten alone or with gravy or other toppings like sour cream, chives, etc.

2. Potato Soup

Potato soup is another popular way to use potatoes, especially during the winter months when we crave warm foods like chili and stew. Potato soup can be made either creamy or chunky depending on your preference!

3. Fries And Chips

Potato chips are favorite snack food for many people, but they can be unhealthy if eaten too often. Baked potato chips provide a healthy alternative to store-bought chips without sacrificing any of the crunchy goodness that you love about them.

4. RöSti (Hash Browns)

Rösti is a Swiss dish that consists of grated potatoes fried into a pancake shape. It’s usually served with eggs or meat, but you can also eat it on its own as a side dish or snack.

5. Roasted Potatoes

Potatoes roasted at high temperatures develop browned crusts with moist centers — perfect for any meal! Add olive oil, salt, and pepper to your potatoes and spread them out onto a baking sheet lined with foil or parchment paper. Bake them at 425˚F for about 25 minutes or until tender inside and crispy outside.

6. Potato Salad

Potato salad is another classic potato dish that has been around for centuries. This dish is usually made by combining cooked potatoes with mayonnaise or some other type of dressing and adding other ingredients like onions or celery as desired.

6 Helpful Tips For Storing Fresh Raw Potatoes

Potatoes are a staple in many households, and they’re certainly nutritious. They’re also easy to grow, which is yet another reason to love them. However, if you’re not careful with your potatoes, they can rot quickly and become unusable.

Here are some tips for storing fresh raw potatoes:

1. Store Them In A Cool, Dark Place Like A Pantry Or Cellar.

Don’t store them in the fridge because cold temperatures will cause the starch in the potatoes to turn into sugar — making them sweet instead of starchy — and possibly causing them to rot or sprout faster than normal.

2. Don’T Wash Your Potatoes Until Ready To Use.

Washing potatoes before storing them can leave bacteria on their skin that can cause them to spoil faster than normal.

3. Don’T Store Your Potatoes Next To Onions (Or Any Other Strong-Smelling Food)

Because it could cause your potatoes to spoil more quickly than normal due to the presence of ethylene gas emitted by these foods which cause potato skins to wrinkle and split prematurely during storage; use separate storage areas for each item if possible (such as different drawers or shelves).

4. Keep Potatoes In A Paper Bag.

This will absorb excess moisture and help prevent sprouting. The bag also acts as an air filter, which is important for preventing mold growth.

5. Keep Them Away From Fruits And Vegetables

That gives off ethylene gas — this causes many fruits and vegetables to ripen quickly, but it also causes potatoes to rot!

6. Do Not Store Potatoes In The Refrigerator

Because this will make them sprout sooner. The best way to store raw potatoes is in a dark place at room temperature, such as a pantry or closet. You can also store raw potatoes outside in a cool, dry area or earth mound.


1. Can I Freeze Potatoes?

Sure! The process of freezing potatoes is a quick and easy way to preserve them for later use.

2. How Long Do Potatoes Last?

On average, potatoes last around one month when stored properly in an airtight container in the refrigerator or pantry (21°C/70°F). Once cut open or peeled, however, they will only last another few days before spoiling entirely due to their high water content and exposure to oxygen and light.

3. How Long Does It Take For A Potato To Go Bad?

Potatoes will begin to rot if left out for too long. A rotten potato has a pungent smell and will have soft spots and mold on the surface

4. Can I store potatoes in the pantry?

Yes, you can store potatoes but they will not last as long as they would in the refrigerator. To store your potatoes in the pantry, use a plastic bag or container that is airtight and prevents light from entering.

5. Are Sprouted Potatoes, Okay To Eat?

Yes! Potatoes are actually a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as potassium, phosphorus, and magnesium. They also have a fair amount of fiber and some protein. So yes, they are healthy for you!

In Conclusion

This article is to inform consumers on how to tell if a potato is bad. This information will help consumers make more educated decisions at the supermarket by supporting them with basic quality control knowledge on the potato product they intend to purchase.

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