5 Best Ways To Reheat Grits At Home

The best way to reheat grits depends largely on the age of your grits and how you wish to eat them. While my preferred method is the microwave, there are certainly other ways to reheat grits (polenta) depending upon the texture you prefer. Here’s a list of the best ways to reheat your grits.

Why Should You Reheat Grits?

Reheating grits is a great way to enjoy them again without having to make more from scratch. There are many advantages of reheating grits instead of making more from scratch:

1. It saves time and effort.

When you’re in a hurry, warming up your grits can save you time and effort. If you’re in a rush to get out the door, or if you have a large family to feed, it’s often easier to reheat your grits than to cook them from scratch.

2. You can reheat grits in just about any type of pot on any heat source.

Just make sure that the pot is large enough to accommodate all of your grits at once without crowding them together too much; otherwise, this could prevent your pot from heating up properly and causing burning or scorching on the bottom of your container!

3. You can add anything that you wish, like cheese or butter!

They can be eaten cold with butter and salt or hot with eggs, bacon, and cheese. When you reheat grits, they become more flavorful because they absorb the flavors of other foods that have been added to them.

4. They Taste Better Reheated.

Cold leftover grits will taste better when they’re reheated than they did when they were cold! They’ll take on new flavors after they’ve been warmed up again and will probably be much more enjoyable than if you’d eaten them straight out of the refrigerator or freezer.

5. Grits can get cold quickly.

If they sit out for too long, they can lose their texture and take on the taste of staleness when reheated.

6. Reheating grits is easy!

Just add more liquid or water if needed and heat them up in the microwave for about one minute per cup of grits (or until hot). Or put them in a saucepan over low heat and stir frequently until warm again.

5 Ways To Perfectly Reheat Grits At Home

If you’ve ever reheated grits that have gone cold, you know what we mean when we say they can get really hard and dry. It doesn’t have to be this way!

Here are five ways to reheat grits so they stay warm and delicious:

1. In the microwave

The best way to reheat grits is in the microwave. The process is quick, easy, and requires minimal cleanup.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Place the grits in a microwave-safe bowl or ramekin.

Step 2: Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and place it in the microwave for 3 minutes on high power.

Step 3: Remove the bowl from the microwave and uncover it immediately so that you don’t have to wait for steam to escape as this could cause burns.

Step 4: Serve immediately or store in an airtight container in your refrigerator until ready to eat again at a later date.

2. In a covered dish in the oven

Reheating grits is a bit more complicated than heating most other foods because of the grainy texture and tendency to dry out. The best way to reheat grits is in a covered dish in the oven.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Place the grits in an ovenproof dish and cover with foil.

Step 2: Place the covered dish in a preheated 350-degree Fahrenheit oven and allow to heat for 10 minutes or until hot throughout.

Step 3: Remove from oven and uncover; stir well before serving if desired.

Step 4: Serve immediately

3. In a double boiler

The easiest way to reheat grits is in a double boiler. This method is also useful if you want to add cheese or other ingredients to your grits after they’ve been cooked.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Place 1 cup of water and 1/2 cup of milk in the bottom of a saucepan.

Step 2: Bring the water to a boil over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat to low and place a bowl with 1 cup of grits on top of the saucepan, making sure there is at least an inch between them.

Step 3: Cover both with lids and let cook for 5 minutes, stirring once halfway through cooking time.

Step 4: Remove from heat when done and stir well before serving.

4. On the stovetop in a covered pot

Reheating grits on the stovetop is the easiest way to reheat them. The trick is to not overheat them, or else they’ll get tough and rubbery.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Add enough water to cover the grits by one inch. Add one teaspoon of salt, or not if you prefer unsalted grits; bring to a boil over high heat. Stir occasionally to prevent sticking.

Step 2: Reduce heat to medium-low and simmer for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally until all liquid has been absorbed by the grits, about 20 minutes (add more water as needed).

Step 3: Remove from heat and fluff with a fork before serving.

5. In an airtight container

If you’ve ever eaten grits and had them turn out cold and clumpy, you know how disappointing that can be. Luckily, there’s a way to reheat them without sacrificing their deliciousness. All you need is an airtight container, some water, and a microwave.

Here’s how to do it:

Step 1: Put your grits in the airtight container and cover them with water. Use about 1/4 cup water for every 2 cups of grits.

Step 2: Stir the grits one or two times during the healing process to ensure even distribution of heat throughout the mixture.

Step 3: Place your grits in the microwave and heat them on high power for approximately 5 minutes, until hot throughout. If your microwave has a “bake” setting, use that instead of “cook.” (Some microwaves can be very finicky with their timing and power selections.)

That’s it! Once you’ve heated your grits, you can serve them warm with butter and honey or even add in some of your favorite toppings.

Tips For Properly Storing leftover grits to avoid foodborne illness

Foodborne illnesses can occur if foods are not stored properly. This is especially true for items like grits that contain high amounts of starch — which is what makes them so delicious! The starch turns into sugar when it’s heated, so it’s important to keep leftovers refrigerated or frozen until they’re eaten.

Here are some tips for properly storing leftover grits:

1. Eat within three days of cooking.

If you plan on eating leftover grits within 3 days of cooking them, then you can store them in the refrigerator at 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4 degrees Celsius). Don’t let leftovers sit out at room temperature for more than two hours after cooking or heating them up again.

2. Freeze cooked grits immediately if you won’t eat them within three days.

It’s best to freeze cooked food as soon as possible after cooking or reheating it because bacteria can grow quickly at room temperature. You can freeze cooked grits in an airtight container or a resealable plastic bag with all the air pressed out.

3. Wrap tightly with plastic wrap before storing in an airtight container.

This will prevent moisture from getting into your grits as well as keep odors out so they don’t smell funny when reheated later on.

4. Don’t store your grits near other foods.

This will prevent cross-contamination and help keep them safe from harmful bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus, which can grow on dry foods like rice and pasta if they’re stored in moist environments like refrigerators or microwaves.

5. Don’t store grits above 70 degrees Fahrenheit

This temperature range is ideal for bacterial growth. Instead, put your leftover grits in a refrigerator at 40 degrees Fahrenheit or lower and use them within two days of cooking them.

6. Refrigerate within two hours.

If you have leftovers that have been refrigerated, reheat them to 165 degrees F (74 degrees C) or higher before serving. This will kill any bacteria that may have grown during storage.


1. How long do grits last in the refrigerator once they’re cooked?

Grits can be stored in their original container or transferred to a storage container. They will keep for up to three days in the refrigerator.

2. Can you freeze grits?

Yes, you can freeze leftover grits for up to two months. To freeze, transfer cooled grits into an airtight container and cover with plastic wrap. Label with the date then freezes for up to two months. Frozen grits can be thawed overnight in the refrigerator for 30 minutes at room temperature. Some people like to add a little water when reheating frozen grits to thin out the consistency a bit.

3. How long do I need to cook grits?

The exact cooking time will depend on which type of grits you use, but it should take about 30 minutes for stone-ground grits and 15 minutes for quick grits. Check the package instructions if you aren’t sure how long to cook your particular brand of grits.

4. Can I substitute instant or quick-cooking grits for regular corn grits?

No, you should not substitute instant or quick-cooking grits for regular corn grits because they have different cooking times and textures.

5. How long do uncooked grits last?

Uncooked grits last about one year when stored properly at room temperature (65-70 degrees F).

In Conclusion

The best way to reheat grits is ensuring that they are well-covered and heated until they are steaming. If you’re able to do that, your chances of having them turn out properly will be much higher.

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